Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Dove Onslaught(er)

Video by Greenpeace alerting viewers to Dove's use of Palm Oil. The video mimics Dove's 'Onslaught' advert which promotes the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, but shows the devastating effects of deforestation for Palm Oil plantation.
Unilever is the biggest buyer of Palm Oil

Saturday, 7 November 2009

WWF Climate Change Billboard

 The WWF use an awning to cast a shadow over a billboard, to create the illusion of a sea level that rises throughout the day. 

Friday, 6 November 2009

Plastic Toy Sculptures by Robert Bradford

These sculptures by Robert Bradford are made entirely of children's plastic toys. 

" The toys themselves interest me in their own right as mini sculptures by unknown and uncredited artists. Mostly I use the toys abstractly as forms with which to build muscle bone or internal or external organs but all types of human pursuits can be referred to and represented through them - things loved or hated - things used and carried as tools etc etc. They provide interest in surface detail whilst making their contribution to the totalities. The toys also provide a moving history of fads and fashions as they pass through the media and our awareness temporarily significant and then forgotten. "
- Robert Bradford, July 08

Thursday, 29 October 2009


Wow. I'm definitely not making the best of my Moleskine...

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

We Are Chopchop

We Are Chopchop is a small community of designers, motiongraphers, video and media artists exploring and playing in the field of visual culture production.

Some really nice videos on here...check out the 2009 Reel here

Below is a video by Daniel Franke, an artist/designer/filmmaker currently living and working in Berlin.


Water Lilies

Just stumbled upon this incredible Fractal Art by Roger Johnston. Who'd have thought mathematics could be so beautiful!

Saturday, 17 October 2009

American Express 'Realise the Potential'

Fresh new brand campaign for American Express, using the phrase 'Realise the Potential'. Created by Ogilvy London, this tv advert is part of a wider campaign involving outdoor advertising, print, interactive and direct mail, all demonstrating the added value of the American Express card.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

My time on the Plinth : 10th July, 3-4am

I took part in Antony Gormley's One&Other project, dressing up as a giant pigeon for my hour on the plinth. 

Why a pigeon? Well, why not?! Pigeons are an icon of Trafalgar Square (as well as Nelson, of course) and of London, and well...I just wanted to dress up! I do a lot of fancy dress at university, and usually put far too much effort into making a costume that will inevitably get wrecked on a student night out. Yet here I was, sober, standing on a plinth, dressed in a pigeon costume. And it was such an incredible experience. 

My sister and I had devised a schedule of dancing, writing messages, pigeon yoga and more dancing, but when I was up there I found the experience to be more reflective and peaceful than I'd imagined. I wrote messages to friends and family who were watching online and danced to the Austin Powers theme song, and just enjoyed interacting with my audience. I had anticipated a drunken heckling crowd for my 3am slot, but everyone who came to have a look at me were great! 

You can watch my hour on the plinth again by clicking here. When I arrived home and was able to watch it again myself, I was delighted to discover that I'd had comments by people watching from all over the world, including America, Alaska, Hong Kong!

I would thoroughly recommend applying for a slot on the plinth. Whether you think it's art or not, the opportunity to stand on a plinth in Trafalgar Square doesn't come along very often!

The project has sparked conversation and opinion not only through the web and media, but also on Trafalgar Square. People who wouldn't necessarily talk to another strangers, now engage with the plinthers and other watchers. 

It's been really fun, even off the plinth; I've been 'twitted' about, I've been mentioned in the Sunday Telegraph, featured in the Rutland Times, the Rutland Mercury, spoken live on BBC Radio Leicester and should be appearing in the Mail on Sunday. 

My costume...
I made my costume from scratch; my head is a fleece balaclava with painted eyes and fabric feathers. A paper maché beak with a sports sock 'lump' (does it have a proper name?!) on top. I sewed on layers and layers of pigeonesque fabric onto a grey t-shirt and stuffed a couple of pillows under it, to give that authentic fat pigeon chest. The tail was made from felt, which I spray-painted black at the end and stitched to my t-shirt. My wings started off as white angel wings, bought on ebay and spray-painted grey. The feet were made from stripy pink fabric and stuffed with toy stuffing, with black nails painted at the tips. I found some great leggings in primark which I cut off at the knee and sewed on some real feathers. The rest of the leggings I transformed into sleeves, which I stitched onto my tshirt. Finally, I used facepaint to colour my legs pink, using white and red detail to give them a ribbed pigeon leg effect. 

SOUR '日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)

Music video for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' filmed entirely on webcams. The people are from Sour's fanbase, filmed from all over the world. 

Monday, 22 June 2009

Philips Carousel

Created by Stink Digital, this campaign for Philips Cinema 21:9 television frame explores an epic frozen moment scene involving clowns, cops, broken glass and money. 

Monday, 1 June 2009

One and Other

Yay! I found out this morning that I've got a place on Antony Gormley's living monument, 'One & Other'. Every hour, 24 hours a day for 100 days, a different person will step up to the Fourth Plinth and help make a living portrait of the UK now.

Hmmm....what to do..?!! :D

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Sticky Note Experiments

Fritz and Stephen, the men behind the Extreme Diet Coke & Menthos Experiments, ensue further chaos in the office with over 250000 post-it notes! Click here to find out how to to create your own. 

Monday, 4 May 2009

VisCom Stash

We had a competition to design a hoodie for VisComm students at Loughborough University School of Art & Design, to help raise funds for the Degree Show 2010. My design won by 2 votes!

Sunday, 26 April 2009


Advert for Scrabble!
'The Beautiful Word' campaign developed by  Ogilvy & Mather Paris and the animation produced at Wizz, Paris. 

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Röyksopp 'Happy Up Here'

Official video for 'Happy Up Here' by Röyksopp. Directed by Reuben Sutherland. 

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Honda - Let it Shine

Directed by Erik Van Wyk, this incredible advert for Honda uses real car lights to make the 'worlds biggest LCD screen'.  The animations, which slowly reveal itself to be the headlights of Honda Insight cars, convey people's inherent wish to do good. It involved a highly technical and mathematical process to get everything just right. To reduce the carbon footprint of the advert they merged animation and real life. Click here to see the making of the advert.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Bite me

This advert  for Frontline Tick Spray can be found on the floor of a big shopping centre in Indonesia, where the shoppers unwillingly become the pests. 
(via Guerrilla Marketing defined )

Get stretchy

Clever business card  for YogaOne in Charlotte, NC. 

Monday, 9 March 2009


Awesome music video by Shitdisco, made with a pop-up book and puppetry.

Björk - Declare Independance

Björk's third single from her sixth full-length album, Volta, released January 1 2008. 
Directed by Michel Gondry.
Björk has used live performances of 'Declare Independance' to declare political support for various causes, including a controversial concert in Shanghai, China, where she shouted "Tibet, Tibet!" three times followed by "Raise your flag!" four times during the finale performance of the song. 


'Nuff said. 

Johnnie Walker Fish

Advert for Johnnie Walker from 2003, using the tag line "Keep Walking" with an evolutionary twist. Created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, the ad used professional divers with ropes around their waists to lift them out of water by rigs and boats. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Carved Crayons!

Check out these crayons which have been carved into intricate geometric shapes by Peter Goldlust...

Air Bear

Wow... Joshua Allen Harris creates inflatable animals by attaching them to subway grates in New York.

Mentos Gum

Pop art by Mentos Gum by Cossette, Montreal. 

Audi A4: Strings

Advert for Audi A4 by DDB Barcelona, that playfully contructs an Audi using an oversized 'cat's cradle' technique. 

WildLife by Karolina Sorbecka

Karolina Sorbecka projects an image of a tiger onto the nighttime architecture of a city. The animal's movements are programmed to correspond to the speed of the car. As the car moves, the animal runs along it, speeding up and slowing down with the car. As the car stops, the tiger stops too. 
See more of Sorbecka's work at flightphase.com

IKEA shred and slice their prices

This IKEA campaign is by Lowe and Partners Malasyia, and demonstrates how prices are getting progressively lower. 

The world's largest Zoetrope

First post..!! 
I will kick things off with Sony's lastest ad for Sony Bravia. Created by Fallon, it features the world's biggest ever Zoetrope, Kaka's football skills and the science of motion...