Sunday, 29 March 2009

Honda - Let it Shine

Directed by Erik Van Wyk, this incredible advert for Honda uses real car lights to make the 'worlds biggest LCD screen'.  The animations, which slowly reveal itself to be the headlights of Honda Insight cars, convey people's inherent wish to do good. It involved a highly technical and mathematical process to get everything just right. To reduce the carbon footprint of the advert they merged animation and real life. Click here to see the making of the advert.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Bite me

This advert  for Frontline Tick Spray can be found on the floor of a big shopping centre in Indonesia, where the shoppers unwillingly become the pests. 
(via Guerrilla Marketing defined )

Get stretchy

Clever business card  for YogaOne in Charlotte, NC. 

Monday, 9 March 2009


Awesome music video by Shitdisco, made with a pop-up book and puppetry.

Björk - Declare Independance

Björk's third single from her sixth full-length album, Volta, released January 1 2008. 
Directed by Michel Gondry.
Björk has used live performances of 'Declare Independance' to declare political support for various causes, including a controversial concert in Shanghai, China, where she shouted "Tibet, Tibet!" three times followed by "Raise your flag!" four times during the finale performance of the song. 


'Nuff said. 

Johnnie Walker Fish

Advert for Johnnie Walker from 2003, using the tag line "Keep Walking" with an evolutionary twist. Created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, the ad used professional divers with ropes around their waists to lift them out of water by rigs and boats.